Readme Star Trek: Armada DEMO ***NOTE ABOUT WIN 98 SYSTEMS Windows 98 requires at least 24 MB of RAM at all times. If your computer only has 32 MB of RAM, this doesn't leave enough for Star Trek: Armada to run at peak performance regardless of CPU speed or the type of video card. If you only have 32 MB of RAM you may experience some long load times, framerate spikes, and long transition times between sim and shell since the game is accessing your hard drive more than would otherwise be needed. To minimize these hits to performance, we suggest you make sure nothing else is running in the background, and that you play Star Trek: Armada with the graphic settings adjusted to the lowest settings. *** Where do I go for more information? You may learn more about Star Trek: Armada at: or *** ESC key may cause the game to minimize, and user will not be able to return properly to the game. Star Trek Armada's unique combination of 3D and 2D technology may cause issues when the ESC key is pressed during game play. Troubles that may occur include minimizing, loss of textures or a complete lock-up. This problem is most prevalent if the ESC key is hit during in-game cinematics. The ESC key has no functionality in the game and should not be used. *** If your computer locks during the installation at 100%, contact your motherboard manufacture on information on how to upgrade your bios. *** MULTIPLAYER In internet multiplayer games, there is a button in the comms menu which is called "High Latency". If you are experiencing periodic pauses of short duration while playing the game, you should check this button. This will overcome difficulties faced by players with poor (high latency) internet connections. The game will automatically set this option checked if any of the starting players have ping times exceeding 350ms. For optimal multiplayer experience, follow this rule of thumb: the more players, the higher RAM and CPU requirements are needed. If a player brings up the options menu during a multiplayer game the game will pause. Only the player that brought the options menu up can un-pause the game, but he can be kicked out of the game after 30 seconds. When creating a multiplayer profile, your password must be at least 6 characters long. *** If the mouse cursor is left stationary on some missions with some video cards, it may appear to wobble. You can fix this by switching screen resolutions. *** Using dual monitors - The mouse can sometimes appear lost when it is in fact on the other monitor. - There are problems with the camera angles in the cineractives in between missions. - If you have problems installing the game while using dual monitors, you should disable the monitor and reactivate it after installing the game. *** Video Card related issues - TNT and TNT2 Cards: Occasionally when ALT-TAB is used while playing the game, severe graphical anomalies may occur. - TNT2 Cards: User should us higher graphics detail then the default, otherwise the text may be hard to read. - TNT2 Cards: Alt-Tab may cause the units in the game to become very dark. - ATI Rage Pro has been known to cause some graphical anomalies within the game. - Diamond Viper 770 Ultra does not appear to work with Diamond's drivers. NVIDIA's TNT2 drivers seem to work with this card. - Users with a combination of a Diamond Fire GL 1000 Pro and a Diamond Monster 2 video cards may experience problems running the game. Single player campaigns will not launch, but multiplayer in 640x480 or 800x600 modes will. - A conflict exists between Athlon processors and the NVIDIA GeForce video cards. Known problems include mission instability that may lead to random drops to the desktop after mission and when changing resolutions. This has been seen on other systems with other processors but drivers released after 3/9/00 may fix this problem. *** Screen Resolution - It is recommended that Star Trek: Armada's game resolution matches your desktop resolution. *** How can I improve performance? 1. To improve frame rate on low-end machines turn the graphics detail to low and the cinematic window off. To further enhance performance, lower, or toggle off, the sound options. 2. Close all other programs while playing. · Close all other programs that appear on the task bar before playing. · Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to pull up a list of programs that are still running at this point (but not on the task bar). · Close all unnecessary programs by using the "End Task" button for each. · Note: In our experience the only necessary programs are "Explorer" and "Systray." You should however check with the computer manufacturer to insure that their machines do not require other programs to remain active as well. · 3. Set Graphics Acceleration to maximum in your System Control Panel. · Go to the Start menu on your taskbar. Select Settings->Control Panel. · Double-click the System icon. · Click the Performance tab. · Click the Graphics button. · In the Graphics box, position the Hardware Acceleration slider to Full. 4. If you are using FAT16 file system, you can improve performance by converting to FAT32. When your drive is in this format, it stores data more efficiently, creating up to several hundred MB of extra disk space on the drive. In addition, programs load faster and your computer uses fewer system resources. Windows 98 · You can start Drive Converter by clicking Start, pointing to Programs, pointing to Accessories, pointing to System Tools, and then clicking Drive Converter. · Once you convert your hard drive to FAT32 format using Drive Converter, you cannot return to using the FAT16 format unless you repartition and reformat the FAT32 drive. If you converted the drive on which Windows 98 is installed, then you must reinstall Windows 98 after repartitioning the drive. · Older disk compression software is not compatible with FAT32. If your drive is already compressed, you may not be able to convert to FAT32. Windows 95 OSR2 Unlike Windows 98, Windows 95 OSR2 does not come with a utility to convert a FAT16 hard drive/partition to FAT32. In order to do the conversion you must us the utility FDISK.EXE. For more information go to: CAUTION: All versions of Windows prior to Windows 95 OSR2 will not recognize a FAT32 drive. 5. Increasing your system RAM from 32 to 64 MB will increase overall game performance. *** The taskbar hides a portion of the game window. Can I fix this? This can happen if your taskbar is always on top. You can hide the taskbar by right-clicking it and selecting Properties. Turn on Auto Hide and turn off Always on top. The taskbar will hide when it is not used. To make the taskbar reappear, place your mouse in the area where the taskbar once was and it will appear. *** My screen saver operates slowly while the game is running. What can I do? Because the game makes heavy use of the system resources, screen savers may hinder game performance. We highly recommend disabling your screen saver when playing the game. To disable: - Right click the desktop and select Properties. - Click the Screen Saver tab. - Set the Screen Saver pull down menu to None. *** Why does the game sometimes quit to the desktop? Occasionally, the game will suddenly quit to the desktop. This may be a result of a conflict with the EZDesk desktop utility, which is used to organize icons on your desktop. To prevent this, disable EZDesk before playing the game. However, should you crash to the desktop, reboot the machine and perform a scan disk if necessary. The game may also suddenly minimize to the taskbar if you are running an electronic mail program (e.g. MS Exchange) in the background. You should run Star Trek: Armada™ as a stand-alone application. *** Ctrl-Alt-Del locks up my system. If you use the Ctrl-Alt-Del function, there is a chance that the machine may automatically reboot, or you may get a "blue screen crash," which will force you to reboot your machine. Do not use the Ctrl-Alt-Del function to quit the game. Instead, select QUIT from the main menu to exit the game. Star Trek (TM) Armada The full game contains the following: Lead four Distinct Races The Federation, Klingon, Romulan, and Borg. Each side presents a different tactical challenge to master as you attempt to conquer your opponents in a variety of mission types. Survive 20 Missions Campaigns are comprised of a variety of tactical, combat, and protective missions, which advance the overall story - from eerie warnings of the Borg invasion to the ultimate Picard-Locutus showdown. Mission Briefings take place in the game for seamless cinematic integration. An Immense Fleet at Your Disposal Build over 30 types of starships, including battleships, cruisers, destroyers, scout ships, cargo ships, transport ships and construction ships. Arm your fleet with a multitude of weapons, from Phasers to Photon Torpedoes, and build research stations to develop specialized weapons. Command Solo or Engage Other Star Trek: Armada offers a variety of single-player missions - from large battles to small escort details - and an extensive range of story-driven multiplayer options over LAN and the Internet. In stores now! Demo Minimum System Requirements The Star Trek: Armada - DEMO require that DirectX 7® or later is installed in order to play the demo. Go to http:/ for information on how to install DirectX. Hardware Accelerated 3D Mode 200 MHz Pentium® processor or equivalent 100% DirectX 7® compliant 3D accelerator card and drivers* Software Emulated 3D Mode 266 MHz Pentium II® processor or equivalent Required for both Accelerated and Emulated 3D Modes US English language Windows® 95/98 operating system 32 MB of RAM (64 MB Recommended) Disk Space Required: 73 MB total download 187 MB of free disk space required after install for game files (450 MB of free disk space is required during installation only) A 100% Windows 95/98 compatible computer system including: DirectX 7 (not included) 100% DirectX 7 compliant true 16 bit sound card and drivers 100% DirectX 7 compliant 4 MB 2D-capable video card and drivers 100% Windows 95/98 compatible mouse or trackball and drivers 100% Windows 95/98 compatible quad speed (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) CD-ROM drive and drivers Required for Multiplayer Mode Internet play requires a 100% Windows 95/98-compatible 28.8 Kbps (or faster) modem and drivers IMPORTANT NOTE: Star Trek: Armada uses Microsoft DirectX® 7 technology, and requires that your system have the most updated Windows® 95 or 98-compatible drivers for CD-ROM, video card, sound card, and input devices. * 3D ACCELERATOR CARD RECOMMENDED A 100% DirectX 7 or higher compliant 3D video card and driver with z-buffering capability is strongly recommended. Star Trek: Armada uses Microsoft's® Direct 3D® to support 3D hardware acceleration. It has been tested on many, but not all of the major cards incorporating the chipsets listed below. Some 3D accelerator card brands utilizing the chipsets whose names appear on this box may not be fully compatible with the 3D acceleration features utilized by Star Trek: Armada. For a list of cards and drivers that have been tested, please visit Supported Chipsets for Windows 95/98** 3DFx Voodoo Rush 3DFx Voodoo 3DFx Voodoo 2 3DFx Voodoo 3 3DFx Banshee ATI Rage 128 Matrox G200 Matrox G400 nVidia RIVA TNT nVidia RIVA TNT2 nVidia GeForce ** Some, but not all of the cards with the chipsets listed above have been tested on Windows® 2000. For Windows 2000 3D Support, please refer to your hardware manufacturer for 100% Windows 2000 DirectX 7 compliant Direct 3D drivers. K E Y B O A R D C O M M A N D S Hot Keys and Grouping Units Global Keys Function ================================================================== Control F1 Minimize/ Restore Minimap Control F2 Minimize/ Restore Ship Display Control F3 Minimize/ Restore Speed Rail Control F4 Minimize/ Restore Cinematic Window Control F5 Minimize/ Restore Button Menu Control F6 Minimize/ Restore Comm Menu (Multiplayer Only) Control F7 Minimize/ Restore Resource Display Alt F1 - F7 Minimize/ Restore the above interface elements without autohide Alt-( Drag interface element) Move interface element to desired location Control - F9 Restores interface to Default Configuration Alt - F9 Restores interface to arrangement at the beginning of the mission Enter Chat message box. Control X Switch to main menu and pause game. G Grid toggle. Pause Pause the game. 0- 9 Deselect current units and select units in the numbered group. Shift 0- 9 Deselect current units and select units in the numbered group. AND Center Screen on current group Control 0- 9# Bind a unit to a group, one unit can be bound to more than one group. Alt 0- 9# Bind a unit to a group, removes units from other groups that it is currently bound to. E Select All on Screen N Select next unit (Red Alert) Control - M Objectives Box toggle Control - Alt- Z Save screenshot. Shift 0- 9 Will center on the selected group Control Holding control down when you have a group of ships selected makes all the ships move at the speed of the slowest ship. Camera Key Function ================================================================ Arrow Pad Scroll camera. H Center on Primary Starbase (i. e. first one) Keypad / and * Rotate camera around the point of focus. Keypad + and - Control zoom level of the camera. Space Toggle between last game message position and current position of camera. Z Switch between Strategic Play and Cinematic Play Space Change camera position in Cinematic play Alt - left Click Changes the focus in Cinematic Mode Unit Selected Function ================================================================ A Attack S Stop M Move O Orders R Repair and Recrew B Build T Transport Tab Hold while left clicking locations to set a path composed of way points, then release to finish the path. D Harvest Dilithium F1- F6 Special Weapon 1- 6 Shift- S Stand Down F- 5 Cloak Building Selected Function ================================================================ A Attack B Build (including pods) T Transport O Orders R Recrew S Stop Shift- T Special Transport P Set Rally Point U Officer Upgrade (Starbase only) Order Screen Function Selected ================================================================ Shift- G Green Alert Shift- Y Yellow Alert Shift- R Red Alert U Guard Shift- S Stand Down P Patrol R Repair S Scout D Search and Destroy Shift- D Decommission B Back Starbase and Function Nexus Build Screen Selected ================================================================ C Construction Ship (Assembler) F Dilithium Freighter (Collector) Shift- C Cancel B Back Federation Shipyard Build Screen Selected Function ================================================================ V Venture- class Scout D Defiant- class Destroyer S Steamrunner- class Torpedo Cruiser A Akira- class Phaser Cruiser B Back Shift- C Cancel Borg Assembly Matrix Build Screen Selected Function ================================================================ D Detector I Interceptor A Assimilator S Sphere B Back Shift- C Cancel Federation Advanced Shipyard Build Screen Selected Function ================================================================ S Sovereign- class Battleship B Back Shift- C Cancel Borg Advanced Assembly Matrix Build Screen Selected Function ================================================================ C Cube B Back Shift- C Cancel Federation Research Facility Build Screen Selected Function ================================================================ A Anti- matter Mines C Chain Reaction Pulsar O Engine Overload R Corbomite Reflector D Tachyon Grid B Back Shift- C Cancel Borg Modification Center Build Screen Selected Function ================================================================ W Transwarp Drive L Holding Beam R Regeneration A Auto- Assimilating Bore D Tachyon Detection Grid B Back Shift- C Cancel Federation Construction Ship Build Screen Selected Function ================================================================ S Starbase D Dilithium Mining Station Y Shipyard V Advanced Shipyard R Research Facility P Pulse Cannon U Torpedo Turret M Temporal Research Facility A Sensor Array B Back Shift- C Cancel Borg Construction Ship Build Screen Selected Function ================================================================ S Nexus D Processing Node Y Assembly Matrix V Advanced Assembly Matrix R Modification Center P Energy Cannon U Torpedo Turret W Transwarp Gate A Detection Array B Back Shift- C Cancel TM, ® & © 2000 Paramount Pictures, Inc. All right reserved. Star Trek and related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. © 2000 Activision, Inc. All rights reserved. Activision is a registered trademark of Activision, Inc. Uses Bink Video. Copyright © 1997-1999 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.